Remember in my last post I said that I felt all positive and good and stuff. Well, it's totally my fault I have a big fat cold, as I tempted fate. I spent last night on the sofa shivering under a blanket.
I did actually go into work today, for two reasons. One, I'd told people Benn was at home, so I didn't want people to think I was skiving to spend time with him and two because it was class photos and I didn't want people to think I was skiving those, either. However, people are now urging me to stay off tomorrow, so I have planned cover lessons and will decide in the morning. Although I have felt better today, this cold does tend to deteriorate in the evening. I'm blasting my system with Sudafed, echinacea, vitamin C and Berrocca, but any other suggestions welcome!
Also, I really fancy some sock yarn in turquoise and green-y type colours. Anyone got any suggestions? Ta :)
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Racing so hard, you know it won't last...
Well, the week from hell is over (being randomly groped on the train, having 12 year olds being generally horrible and rushing to deadlines, whilst feeling generally rubbish) and I'm feeling positive about everything. I must say that it's an unusual feeling to have on a Sunday, but there you go.
I think the fact that I went out on Friday for a bit helped (along with the glasses of rose...) and yesterday was a lovely day has helped. Yesterday started with a much needed haircut- Natalie Imbruglia was stated as the inspiration, then the hairdresser (as much as I like her) went and ruined it by using Kym Ryder as a reference. *Sigh*.
I met Benn and we had a Thai lunch followed by Ben and Jerry's and Sweeney Todd, which I loved, even though I'm not a fan of gore. Yesterday was just the best day in ages.
Today has been tidying and sorting stuff for charity shops. Benn has this week off to decorate the kitchen and spruce up paintwork in time for estate agents. It's very exciting, but very scary too. I don't feel old enough to own property! Half term is a little over two weeks away, that's when it'll all kick off.
I'm looking forward to half term, I'm not going to make the same mistake I made at Christmas. Lots of knitting will get done, hopefully I will finish at least one project before then, am desperate to use my new sock yarn! Ooh, but I did actually knit on the train home on Friday, which is a first. Hurrah!
Right, off to buy paint xx
I think the fact that I went out on Friday for a bit helped (along with the glasses of rose...) and yesterday was a lovely day has helped. Yesterday started with a much needed haircut- Natalie Imbruglia was stated as the inspiration, then the hairdresser (as much as I like her) went and ruined it by using Kym Ryder as a reference. *Sigh*.
I met Benn and we had a Thai lunch followed by Ben and Jerry's and Sweeney Todd, which I loved, even though I'm not a fan of gore. Yesterday was just the best day in ages.
Today has been tidying and sorting stuff for charity shops. Benn has this week off to decorate the kitchen and spruce up paintwork in time for estate agents. It's very exciting, but very scary too. I don't feel old enough to own property! Half term is a little over two weeks away, that's when it'll all kick off.
I'm looking forward to half term, I'm not going to make the same mistake I made at Christmas. Lots of knitting will get done, hopefully I will finish at least one project before then, am desperate to use my new sock yarn! Ooh, but I did actually knit on the train home on Friday, which is a first. Hurrah!
Right, off to buy paint xx
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Well, today has ended and I'm a sock down. I shouldn't knit lace socks when I'm tired, it's ridiculous. The second sombrero sock is again no more. Pffffft. And tonight was the first time in ages I haven't had school work to do *sigh*. Will make up over the weekend, I suppose, I am *desperate* to get these socks finished, I haven't ever made myself something and am determined to have these on my feet soon!
Add to that, a man groped me on the train this morning and you can see what kind of a week this is panning out to be. *sigh*
Add to that, a man groped me on the train this morning and you can see what kind of a week this is panning out to be. *sigh*
Monday, 21 January 2008
Today was just one of those days where I woke up and discovered my sense of humour had deserted me. Year 8 were horrendous, I had year 10 giving me attitude first thing and I had to give up a free to a bloody course.
It was so bad I bought M&S fruit pastilles. It must have been bad for me to be actually arsed. I have marked two and a half books. I am going to knit and watch University Challenge.
Normal service resumed shortly....
It was so bad I bought M&S fruit pastilles. It must have been bad for me to be actually arsed. I have marked two and a half books. I am going to knit and watch University Challenge.
Normal service resumed shortly....
Sunday, 20 January 2008
All the pretty things
Hullo. Busy, busy week, but life is steadily gaining a comfortable momentum, rather than the insane rush that I've experienced recently. It's not even 1pm and I've planned my lessons for tomorrow! Now that's what I call non-procrastination-of-work. I got up at 7.20 this morning for a disasterous driving lesson. Ugh. I went back to bed for a bit, I was so fed up. I'm now listening to No Doubt.
Yesterday was a good day off, I got a lot of knitting done (the sombreros are back, kids! Yay!), fired up by two sock yarn purchases:
Licquorice by Easy Knits ( Jon is really nice and you'll be supporting an independent spinner/dyer)

and Saucy Stripes by Woolhunter on eBay. This is for a pair of socks for my sis (she doesn't read the blog, so s'ok):

Both are Blue Faced Leicester, which apparently is one of the best yarns for socks. They're gorgeous, aren't they? I just have to decide which patterns I'm going to used (curses the lack of a printer). I've also joined a group on Ravelry for 'Selfish Knitters'. This will be interesting, as I've given away almost everything I've ever made. I've decided not to make stuff for people unless I think they'll appreciate it. Also, I will probably end up knitting for myself during term time, as I only have a limited time during the week to myself.
Other news, I was swimming at 9 yesterday and pleased myself with my progress. Slowly but surely, best way. Met Katie in Rock Ola, which is a mad little cafe off the Brighton tourist stomp. It's basically a greasy spoon with lots of Elvis memorabilia, it's ace. She's feeling guilty cos she's accepted a story commision from 'Knitting'. She feels bad because of the way they treated me and Sandra, but we'll see whether the column gets recommissioned. I'm not bothered though.
Yesterday was a good day off, I got a lot of knitting done (the sombreros are back, kids! Yay!), fired up by two sock yarn purchases:
Licquorice by Easy Knits ( Jon is really nice and you'll be supporting an independent spinner/dyer)

and Saucy Stripes by Woolhunter on eBay. This is for a pair of socks for my sis (she doesn't read the blog, so s'ok):

Both are Blue Faced Leicester, which apparently is one of the best yarns for socks. They're gorgeous, aren't they? I just have to decide which patterns I'm going to used (curses the lack of a printer). I've also joined a group on Ravelry for 'Selfish Knitters'. This will be interesting, as I've given away almost everything I've ever made. I've decided not to make stuff for people unless I think they'll appreciate it. Also, I will probably end up knitting for myself during term time, as I only have a limited time during the week to myself.
Other news, I was swimming at 9 yesterday and pleased myself with my progress. Slowly but surely, best way. Met Katie in Rock Ola, which is a mad little cafe off the Brighton tourist stomp. It's basically a greasy spoon with lots of Elvis memorabilia, it's ace. She's feeling guilty cos she's accepted a story commision from 'Knitting'. She feels bad because of the way they treated me and Sandra, but we'll see whether the column gets recommissioned. I'm not bothered though.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Oh. Dear.
A knitting post, for once! After spending most of today working on school stuff, I decided to tackle The Knitting Corner. This is where I sit and is usually covered in a variety of yarns and tools (and the occasional tube of mascara, depending how much of a hurry I was to leave for work) and there is a magazine rack thing that was *supposed* to be for current projects and a box for yarn.
I have been very noble, I have given away or sold four skeins of Natural Dye Studio sock yarn this week. I couldn't possibly have too much left, could I? So, I set about tidying The Knitting Corner, thinking it would take, ooh, I don't know, fifteen minutes? The plan was to take the two projects I'm currently working on (sombrero socks and the baby jacket) into respective bags- my knittiotherapy sock work bag for the socks, the Cath Kidston knitting bag for the jacket. Put the yarn in the sack that the expensive handbag came in and the equipment in the big box. Sounds simple, right?
Wrong. It took 45 minutes, a lot of swearing and a lot of trips to the bin. It is achieved though, the magazine rack thing is ready for our 'we're moving so here's the stuff for the charity shop' collection, the equipment is either in my beautiful handmade needle roll (I'll have to post pics of that, my friend made it herself, she could sell them for a fortune and doesn't believe me) or in the box. And the wool? Oh, er, that's filled the huge sack and doesn't even count the bag of green cotton I have (I don't want it.. do you?) and various other bits that I know are on top of my wardrobe. That's next week's job.
In sad news, my sombrero sock had to be frogged, because I am an idiot. I feel quite sad, but will continue tonight. I am determined to not start anything else and I'm really not in the mood for crochet today.
Does all this mean my stash is out of control...?
I have been very noble, I have given away or sold four skeins of Natural Dye Studio sock yarn this week. I couldn't possibly have too much left, could I? So, I set about tidying The Knitting Corner, thinking it would take, ooh, I don't know, fifteen minutes? The plan was to take the two projects I'm currently working on (sombrero socks and the baby jacket) into respective bags- my knittiotherapy sock work bag for the socks, the Cath Kidston knitting bag for the jacket. Put the yarn in the sack that the expensive handbag came in and the equipment in the big box. Sounds simple, right?
Wrong. It took 45 minutes, a lot of swearing and a lot of trips to the bin. It is achieved though, the magazine rack thing is ready for our 'we're moving so here's the stuff for the charity shop' collection, the equipment is either in my beautiful handmade needle roll (I'll have to post pics of that, my friend made it herself, she could sell them for a fortune and doesn't believe me) or in the box. And the wool? Oh, er, that's filled the huge sack and doesn't even count the bag of green cotton I have (I don't want it.. do you?) and various other bits that I know are on top of my wardrobe. That's next week's job.
In sad news, my sombrero sock had to be frogged, because I am an idiot. I feel quite sad, but will continue tonight. I am determined to not start anything else and I'm really not in the mood for crochet today.
Does all this mean my stash is out of control...?
Thursday, 10 January 2008
These are a few of my favourite things..
I have walked around like a zombie all day, my shoulders ache. Ugh. However, to cheer me up and remind me that life is not all bad, here are some things I do like:
- pepperoni pizza
- knitting books. Love them so much, I have too many. I joke that's why we're moving.
- M&S fruit pastilles or Percy Pigs. I have to resist these on a daily basis, as there is a M&S in Brighton station. Not fair.
- making something for someone that they really love. I gave my mum the Forest Canopy shawl I made and she appears to like it, so result!
- getting home from a stressful day, putting on my pyjamas, drinking hot chocolate and reading or knitting.
-pyjamas. Especially with stars or stripes on them.
-brightly coloured socks
-my doc marten mary janes. Most. Comfortable.Shoes. EVER. That's important when you're teaching in a school of 2000 kids every day. You run. A lot.
-sleep. I would like to get some more, please.
- the interweb, particularly etsy, ravelry and blogs. I'm nosy!
- my bag I got for Christmas.
-spare time. Of which I have none tonight, so better skedaddle!
- pepperoni pizza
- knitting books. Love them so much, I have too many. I joke that's why we're moving.
- M&S fruit pastilles or Percy Pigs. I have to resist these on a daily basis, as there is a M&S in Brighton station. Not fair.
- making something for someone that they really love. I gave my mum the Forest Canopy shawl I made and she appears to like it, so result!
- getting home from a stressful day, putting on my pyjamas, drinking hot chocolate and reading or knitting.
-pyjamas. Especially with stars or stripes on them.
-brightly coloured socks
-my doc marten mary janes. Most. Comfortable.Shoes. EVER. That's important when you're teaching in a school of 2000 kids every day. You run. A lot.
-sleep. I would like to get some more, please.
- the interweb, particularly etsy, ravelry and blogs. I'm nosy!
- my bag I got for Christmas.
-spare time. Of which I have none tonight, so better skedaddle!
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Well, first two days of school are over, hurrah! I am very tired though, I think it will be a couple of days until I'm right again (after which it will be the weekend and then the whole process will start again, but it gradually gets easier to get up in a morning, although Mondays are going to be hard until the summer).
I'm a bit pleased, as my awful sixth form media class are being taken off me for three weeks for one lesson a week, yay! It's just one less thing to worry about. I'm also pretty OK about those Much Ado essays I marked, as another teacher looked them over and said my marks looked about right, double yay! The next draft isn't due in for nearly two months, so I can concentrate on getting other stuff, like year 10 media coursework, sorted. They don't tell you about the marking in those 'Use your head. Teach.' adverts. Pah.
I'm a bit worried about my baby jacket- I've followed the pattern, and the best way that the sleeve will fit is sort of with a bit at an angle on the shoulder, which is a bit disconcerting. Is this OK/normal?
I am also now obsessed with old reruns of Who's Line is it Anyway from the early 90s.. good to knit/mark to, especially now Strictly Come Dancing is hibernating.
I'm a bit pleased, as my awful sixth form media class are being taken off me for three weeks for one lesson a week, yay! It's just one less thing to worry about. I'm also pretty OK about those Much Ado essays I marked, as another teacher looked them over and said my marks looked about right, double yay! The next draft isn't due in for nearly two months, so I can concentrate on getting other stuff, like year 10 media coursework, sorted. They don't tell you about the marking in those 'Use your head. Teach.' adverts. Pah.
I'm a bit worried about my baby jacket- I've followed the pattern, and the best way that the sleeve will fit is sort of with a bit at an angle on the shoulder, which is a bit disconcerting. Is this OK/normal?
I am also now obsessed with old reruns of Who's Line is it Anyway from the early 90s.. good to knit/mark to, especially now Strictly Come Dancing is hibernating.
Sunday, 6 January 2008
If I hide under the desk, will anyone see me?
So, it's back to work tomorrow and back to land of 'normal'. Woo, year 10s who haven't seen each other in two weeks are my first contingent of students tomorrow. It will be hell. And then I've blagged a fairly easy-yet-lazy lesson for my sixth formers after that. I have, however, marked all of the literature essays, and for once, I think I feel fairly confident with the marking, which knowing me will mean I'm completely out with their grades.
Yesterday was a day of school-ness, despite the fact that I have done nothing but (it feels like) since last week. My fault for not being focused, I guess. Also, the Christmas tree came down- a lot longer than I would have liked, I might add- and Benn spent the day distraught because Brighton were knocked out of the FA Cup.
I decided to have a lazy day today and not beat myself up about the fact that I haven't got an entire week's worth of planning done, but I do know where I'm going, so that's ok, and I have most of my first three days' worth of lessons done. Phew.
Is it really wrong that I'm counting down the six weeks to half term? There are a couple of reasons though, let me explain. 1) The weather will be much better after half term, give or take a bit of snow, 2) all the illnesses will hopefully begin to subside- we haven't been hit by Norovirus at my school. Yet. 3) we begin the big scary move towards selling the flat, something I've been after doing for ages.
So I've spent most of today watching Top Gear repeats on Dave (sad, I know, but now I actually understand what they're talking about, I find myself oddly fascinated by cars that cost the same as this very flat and possibly our next home put together) and knitting. I've got a bit bored with the baby jacket, so have switched my fickle affections back to the sombrero sock, which I began before Christmas. I've done the toe a bit weird, but it fits, so I don't care. I'm on the second one now like a demon, I only gave up because my hand hurt. I've also spent part of the day reading my Mitford book and reassuring Benn that his interview for promotion will go well tomorrow, fingers crossed. I do feel I've hardly seen him this weekend.
I'm off to hibernate in preparation for my 6am start. *sob*
Yesterday was a day of school-ness, despite the fact that I have done nothing but (it feels like) since last week. My fault for not being focused, I guess. Also, the Christmas tree came down- a lot longer than I would have liked, I might add- and Benn spent the day distraught because Brighton were knocked out of the FA Cup.
I decided to have a lazy day today and not beat myself up about the fact that I haven't got an entire week's worth of planning done, but I do know where I'm going, so that's ok, and I have most of my first three days' worth of lessons done. Phew.
Is it really wrong that I'm counting down the six weeks to half term? There are a couple of reasons though, let me explain. 1) The weather will be much better after half term, give or take a bit of snow, 2) all the illnesses will hopefully begin to subside- we haven't been hit by Norovirus at my school. Yet. 3) we begin the big scary move towards selling the flat, something I've been after doing for ages.
So I've spent most of today watching Top Gear repeats on Dave (sad, I know, but now I actually understand what they're talking about, I find myself oddly fascinated by cars that cost the same as this very flat and possibly our next home put together) and knitting. I've got a bit bored with the baby jacket, so have switched my fickle affections back to the sombrero sock, which I began before Christmas. I've done the toe a bit weird, but it fits, so I don't care. I'm on the second one now like a demon, I only gave up because my hand hurt. I've also spent part of the day reading my Mitford book and reassuring Benn that his interview for promotion will go well tomorrow, fingers crossed. I do feel I've hardly seen him this weekend.
I'm off to hibernate in preparation for my 6am start. *sob*
Friday, 4 January 2008
So, the holidays are nearly over and I could do with another week off, really. I think I brought too much marking home with me this year, so this is something to think about in future. I went into school and thankfully the essays I was missing were on my desk underneath some general rubbish. I went with Amelia for coffee which was nice and avoided seeing any students, which is always a bonus :)
I still haven't started marking those essays yet, though. Am watching Jeremy Kyle (sort of) and reading my new book. I got a copy of this:, which is *amazing*. It makes me want to order a set of KnitPicks DPNS, if anyone can tell me if they're worth the money, I'd be grateful. It's a lot of money to spend on needles.
Baby cardi is coming along nicely, although I was right about the pattern being rubbish. Thankfully, Annie helped me out with that, so it's ok now. I just hope it comes together, I've never made a garment in my life.
Ugh, I'm tired.
I still haven't started marking those essays yet, though. Am watching Jeremy Kyle (sort of) and reading my new book. I got a copy of this:, which is *amazing*. It makes me want to order a set of KnitPicks DPNS, if anyone can tell me if they're worth the money, I'd be grateful. It's a lot of money to spend on needles.
Baby cardi is coming along nicely, although I was right about the pattern being rubbish. Thankfully, Annie helped me out with that, so it's ok now. I just hope it comes together, I've never made a garment in my life.
Ugh, I'm tired.
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit
Bonne année à mes amis!! (apologies if that is *really* bad, my French is a little rusty these days)
Hello. I haven't gone mad, I just was singing along to Champs-Élysées by Joe Dassin (it featured on the soundtrack to 'The Darjeeling Limited'.) I'm also listening to 'Where Do You Go To My Lovely', which sounds a bit creepy, actually (also from TDL soundtrack).
Anyways, a new year! How strange, it seems that last year went pretty fast, actually. In the yarn harlot blog, Steph asked what was everybody's best knitting moment and I have to be honest and say that I don't remember.. Maybe knitting the shawl, I dunno. I started a baby jacket yesterday. I'm only doing it because the baby is due on my birthday, so I felt I had to do *something*. It's crochet, so it only took four hours to do the back, so I'm hoping it will be relatively painless. The instructions are rubbish though, I'm having to 'interpret' them, which usually leads to disaster...
We spent last night indoors, stuffing our faces with pizza, crisps, pop and random bits of Toblerone. (A six-year-old's dream New Year's celebration, in fact. We hate NYE that much!) We watched Jools Holland and enjoyed Seasick Steve for a second year running. Then this morning I felt dizzy, so we went for a walk on the seafront via Boots (the labrynthitis is kept at bay by seasickness tablets.. nothing to do with the aforementioned Steve). We also went into Primark, as I wanted tights. All the chavs must have been hungover, as the store was empty and I ended up buying two t-shirts and a beret as well. Gah.
The beach was quiet.

I took this picture of Benn and got confused as to why when I was getting nearer to him, the camera didn't zoom in (then realised I hadn't switched to camera mode, duh)

Ah, here we are (he does look a little tired, I promise he wasn't hungover)

Here's to a great 2008!! x
Hello. I haven't gone mad, I just was singing along to Champs-Élysées by Joe Dassin (it featured on the soundtrack to 'The Darjeeling Limited'.) I'm also listening to 'Where Do You Go To My Lovely', which sounds a bit creepy, actually (also from TDL soundtrack).
Anyways, a new year! How strange, it seems that last year went pretty fast, actually. In the yarn harlot blog, Steph asked what was everybody's best knitting moment and I have to be honest and say that I don't remember.. Maybe knitting the shawl, I dunno. I started a baby jacket yesterday. I'm only doing it because the baby is due on my birthday, so I felt I had to do *something*. It's crochet, so it only took four hours to do the back, so I'm hoping it will be relatively painless. The instructions are rubbish though, I'm having to 'interpret' them, which usually leads to disaster...
We spent last night indoors, stuffing our faces with pizza, crisps, pop and random bits of Toblerone. (A six-year-old's dream New Year's celebration, in fact. We hate NYE that much!) We watched Jools Holland and enjoyed Seasick Steve for a second year running. Then this morning I felt dizzy, so we went for a walk on the seafront via Boots (the labrynthitis is kept at bay by seasickness tablets.. nothing to do with the aforementioned Steve). We also went into Primark, as I wanted tights. All the chavs must have been hungover, as the store was empty and I ended up buying two t-shirts and a beret as well. Gah.
The beach was quiet.

I took this picture of Benn and got confused as to why when I was getting nearer to him, the camera didn't zoom in (then realised I hadn't switched to camera mode, duh)

Ah, here we are (he does look a little tired, I promise he wasn't hungover)

Here's to a great 2008!! x
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