Friday 11 December 2009

Catching my breath...

So, the autumn term is nearly over and I can't say I'm not glad- it's always the longest (and hardest) of terms. The darkening days, the stress of Year 11 preparing for their mocks, kids getting hyper at the mere whiff of Christmas and the fact that the staffroom is bitterly cold don't help. Anyway. I've decided to have a marking blitz this weekend and so have a restful Christmas break. I've not managed to do as much knitting/reading/baking over the past few weeks as I would like, so I want a complete wind down.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year- last year I was a bit ill and down and this year I'm much more positive. The festivities kicked off on Tuesday, when I hosted a Christmas pub quiz, which despite the lame heckling attempts, went rather well. Then on Wednesday it was the SnB Christmas party. This year, for the first time, I organised it. It was great and I had a fantastic time. I also got some lovely sock yarn in the Secret Santa, hurrah!

Ophelia has settled in... she has a habit of following either myself or Bronte (although Bronts is not thrilled by this) I think she thinks we are rabbits. She is lovely and very easy to live with- not a chewed skirting board in sight!

So this next week, I intend to get all my admin done, sleep and look forward to the 18th when school finishes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your marking! I'm sure it'll be more than worth it when you can finally relax and knit :)