Let's start with a gratuitous picture of Bronte and Baldrick before we start:

So, I've just had two snow days- a very rare occurrence in the south of England (not so rare when I was growing up 'oop north') and it's been a very welcome break. Admittedly, I haven't done that much, but I've enjoyed the time off.
Benn had never built a snowman until yesterday (he's 26!) which shows how unusual the amount was that we had. It was quite funny; all I could see of Bronte at one point were two ears and a tail! Can I just point out that I knit the scarf in the photo? I do occassionally finish things, y'know!
The irony is that on Sunday I went to an event which was aimed at getting people to grow their own plants. I'd got all excited about spring and then, overnight, we got a foot of snow. However, I have used the time wisely. I've perfected two cookie recipes (double choc and ginger), although I need to stop eating the fruits of my labours.. I've also knit quite a bit on my February Lady Sweater, which is fortunate, as I had to rip back the whole thing back. Fingers crossed, I'm back on track AND I have 1940's buttons :) I've also decided to knit a log cabin blanket as an on-going project. I can't decide on red or green as the main colour theme? Has anyone knit one of these before? Is it annoying or satisfying? I need something to knit whilst I'm watching Judge Judy (yes, I know, I can't help it!)
Benn is in Cambridge tonight for a course. I'm a bit worried, but I'm hoping the snow will hold off until the weekend. I quite like this nesting lark. I'm getting through Gone With The Wind like nobody's business. AND it'll be half term in a week and a half- bonus!
The really annoying thing about the snow? There's been no post for two days! Some of us are waiting for letters!
1 comment:
My letter is there... somewhere... and it'll show up in your box when they can deliver through the snow! Here in the US, the post comes "rain, snow, sleet, or shine." :) Nothing is supposed to stop it!
Hope you're doing well!
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