So, I'm back on the internet and I did have lots of exciting news.. which I will post about another day. Today I'm going to post about Doug.
He's not been well for a while, something (we think) to do with his kidneys. He's been going bald and peeing a lot, which all points to renal problems, not a lot can be done about them. Anyway, today, in the midst of dealing with upstairs' errant kitten and a stupidly big bookcase, I noticed that Doug was in a funny position. Whilst holding a kitten unceremoniously in one hand and a shelf in the other, I asked Benn to check.
I went to hand the kitten back and Benn confirmed the worst. He looked peaceful. I, on the other hand, have been bawling my eyes out.
I hope there are plenty of peanut sticks wherever hamsters go...
Ahh sorry to hear that. I'm sure he had the best life ever and wherever he is there will be trundle wheels and hammy treats a plenty.
A big hug coming your way. (((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))
I stopped having hamsters as I got too upset. When it ended up with one of my class telling me that it was OK and that hammy had gone to hamster heaven I knew I couldn't handle having anymore. I now have cats, but we won't even go there.
Awwe, poor Douglas.
Y'know, almost 3 is a good age for a hamster. After having more hamsters than I can count in my youth, I think at the last count it was about 12, all of which had good full lives, living to between 2-3 years.
I'm sure Douglas is in a happy place with all his hamster friends.
After loosing a particularly special hamster called Muffy, and getting upset for the 100th time, I decided it was time to call it a day on the small furies, of course, now 10 years later I have had to deal with the loss of cats too... it never gets easier, small or big, fury or bald, we all love our pets.
hugs to you sweetie,
I'm so sorry to hear about your little hammy - mine, Pidge, is 2 and he's really unwell too at the mo (an ear ulcer that wont stop bleeding and wont heal) and I'm dreading the day I find him very asleep.
Just remember that you gave him a really good life and as much love as a little furball needs.
(Just to let you know, I came via ravelry and the UK RAK)
sorry to hear about douglas! :(
here's a ((HUG)) for ya!
It's really painful losing a pet. Some people just don't understand at times that it's like losing part of your family.
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