Saturday, 6 February 2010

Writing and Stuff

So, I'm sat here with a note book poised on my lap, listening to an as unyet released album and writing notes, so that I can write a review of it. It seems surreal; when I was a student, reviewing albums was the way I got CDs and I only just realised how much I miss it. Actually, the album is pretty good, but I don't want to say what it is yet; I have another one to do as well, so no rest for the wicked!

Never has a saying been so apt, the last few weeks have been hectic at work, hence the lack of posting. Also, I was working on an article about women in graphic novels, so hopefully I'm beginning my new year resolution of writing more in a good way...

Knitting hasn't been so succcessful, nor has reading. Looking forward to the half term holiday!